Bedford ESOL Advice Service

ESOL Levels

You will be assessed at a level from Pre Entry (with very low English skills) up to Level 2 (which is roughly equivalent to GCSE level).

We use the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) levels to assess you. To see the approximate equivalents in the Common European Frame of Reference levels (CEFR) please follow this link.

6 Steps of ESOL Levels, please click on number to reveal information

ESOL Levels

With very little or no English at all.

Speaking & Listening skills

Can say single words up to 3 or 4.

Reading & Writing skills

Read or write up to 3-4 words or can't read or write at all.

ESOL Levels

Beginning to make short sentences with up to 5-6 words.

Speaking & Listening skills

Beginning to understand and talk about personal information.

Reading & Writing skills

Beginning to read or write basic information about themselves.

Can fill in a simple form.

ESOL Levels

Can understand better and communicate with others in simple sentences.

Speaking & Listening skills

Developed basic everyday speaking – listening skills. Ask questions at shops – doctor, school etc.

Reading & Writing skills

Developed basic reading and writing skills.

Could read or write simple letters, stories, signs, instructions.

ESOL Levels

Have more confidence and vocabulary – can understand and respond accordingly.

Still need to work on grammar and sentences structure.

Speaking & Listening skills

Can better deal with everyday tasks. Make an appointment on the phone – talk to the teachers, doctor, shops etc.

Still need to work on grammar and sentences structure.

Reading & Writing skills

Can read and comprehend leaflets, letters, stories.

Can write simple formal letter, story.

Still need to work on sentences structure, spellings and grammar.

ESOL Levels
ESOL Levels

For a lot of jobs, you need a recognised qualification in English at Level 1 or 2.

Basic IT Skills.

Developing employability skills.

Speaking & Listening skills

Developing employability related language skills and confidence.

Practise vocabulary, grammar  and sentences structure.

Reading & Writing skills

Practise reading for specific information.

Practise writing variety of texts.

Practise spellings, vocabulary, grammar  and sentences structure.
